PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
Case Study

Vonage augments its security team with Cobalt’s communication-driven platform

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Vonage was searching for a trusted pentester vendor to keep data safe and secure. 

Vonage is a telecommunications company that offers flexible and scalable voice, messaging, video, and data capabilities across Unified Communications, Contact Centers, and Communications APIs. As a large telecommunications company, Vonage holds a lot of sensitive data and it is imperative that the data is handled safely and securely.

Vonage’s client base is wide-ranging, including healthcare providers and others who complete various credit card transactions. With that in mind, the company carries a lot of sensitive information that needs to be kept secure. Because of this acute need for robust security, Vonage needs a pentesting vendor that it can trust.

Cobalt provides more than the typical vendor relationship — instead, it forms a trusted partnership between customers and a community of pentesters with a variety of skill sets and expertise.

Cobalt's adaptable platform gives direct access to pentesters, so Vonage can have the right conversations to get things done.

Video: Why Vonage Adopted Communication-Driven Pentesting


Solution Efficiency

Vonage wanted a pentesting solution that would integrate with their teams and not slow down the business.

Non-Direct Vendor Relationship

In a classic vendor relationship, there would typically be someone between the company and the people doing the work.

Finding Vulnerabilities

Vonage was looking for fast and detailed responses for a comprehensive view into security vulnerabilities.


Trusted Partnership

Vonage is not just engaging with a vendor, but with a partner that's augmenting its internal team.

Improved Cost-Benefit

Cobalt’s flexible model enables Vonage to bring testers to the team whenever they’re needed, instead of having a permanent expense with full-time hires.

Communication and Adaptability

Cobalt's adaptable platform gives direct access to pentesters, so Vonage can have the right conversations to get things done.

Once an effort gets underway, pentesters are quick to share discovered vulnerabilities, and customers can look at them to get a comprehensive view of what they're finding. Pentesters also have a variety of skill sets that customers are able to tap into because Cobalt provides a community of pentesters with diverse talent and expertise.

Feedback loops give direct access to the penetration testers for fast and detailed responses. Customers, like Vonage, can then give and receive feedback through the Slack channel that's set up for every effort, and the ability to tell penetration testers to go back and look at something specifically to take a closer look at a particular area is unlocked.

“I was really impressed with how responsive pentesters are, not just in how quickly they go. They get back to us pretty quickly, and the answers we get are full, complete, and detailed. When we're questioning them about something, we get what we're looking for and the information we need to take that data and then operationalize it on our side.”