PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
Case Study

How movingimage stays agile with Pentest as a Service


movingimage established a secure platform by partnering with Cobalt. 

movingimage is a global leader in delivering secure enterprise video solutions. Simply put, they want to revolutionize the way in which companies use video. This makes it vital for their customers to ensure that any workflow (streaming, storing, transcoding video) is fully compliant and secure. Cobalt’s Pentest as a Service platform was exactly what the company needed for modern security testing made easy.



Jira Integration

movingimage wanted issues to be easily integrated into their Jira ticketing system to streamline developer communications.


movingimage is an agile company, and they were looking for a partner to meet the level of agility and flexibility they uphold.

Live Testing

movingimage was looking for live testing that wouldn't interrupt their regular cadence of business.


Quick Testing

Within a few days, Cobalt provided a full set of testers who jumped on areas of vulnerability in the movingimage platform.

Feedback Loop

movingimage could regularly communicate with Cobalt pentesters for detailed findings on security issues.

Interactive Experience

It wasn’t just getting a PDF report at the end of a test, it was an interactive experience with Cobalt all around.

movingimage provides an enterprise video platform, so it's important that customers understand how streaming videos, storing videos, and transcoding videos remain fully compliant. As a cloud platform, movingimage values the need to be up and running 100% of the time. They couldn't provide an artificial environment for security testing, so it was a risk to find a trusted security vendor who could test the platform without negatively impacting hundreds of customers being live at the same time.

Looking for a trusted partner, movingimage was immediately drawn to Cobalt's PtaaS platform. movingimage contacted Cobalt for a penetration test on their new application, and given a short timeframe, Cobalt made a plan of which parts had to be tested and how they had to be tested. The findings on security issues were extremely detailed, and then the issues that were found were inserted into movingimage’s Jira ticket system with ease.

“We were constantly in the feedback loop, talking directly with researchers to dig into the details of findings.”



"We're really looking forward to a long-term relationship and to establish a secure platform together with the skills of Cobalt."