PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
Case Study

Cobalt’s PtaaS platform offers Egnyte a more transparent and collaborative approach to testing


Egnyte built security testing into their development DNA. 

​​Egnyte manages and secures the most valuable data and content across platforms for businesses. Businesses trust Egnyte with all of their data, so security has always been top of mind. With their continuously growing team and evolving product, Egnyte knew it was important to have the vulnerability testing and web application testing Cobalt’s Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) platform offers.



End-to-End Security

Egnyte wanted a holistic view of its security posture to reinforce their promise of secure data to customers — with the intention of security testing across the whole platform.

Open Vulnerabilities

Egnyte was looking for a trusted solution for vulnerability testing and web application testing in order to quickly pinpoint and remediate areas of weakness.

Slow Time to Resolution

Before Egnyte partnered with Cobalt, the time to resolution was slow and inefficient.


Increased Transparency

Egnyte valued the human interaction Cobalt provides with the Cobalt Core pentesters, creating transparency through ongoing communication.

Ongoing Quality Results

Egnyte wanted to provide ongoing results to customers, maintaining trust and security throughout the entire customer partnership.

Quick Process Time

Working directly with the Cobalt researcher cut down the processing time and downtime significantly for Egnyte.

Many customers during the sales process and post-sales would ask the team at Egnyte, "what have you done from a third-party testing perspective?" Egnyte noted the importance of providing ongoing results to customers, and Cobalt's Pentest as a Service platform gives Egnyte the holistic view of its security posture that the company was searching for.

Cobalt provides the transparency of communicating with a real person throughout the pentesting process, compared to written discussions that often led to different aspects being tossed over the wall before Egnyte partnered with Cobalt. Cobalt's PtaaS platform offered a solution overall that allowed Egnyte’s security teams to be involved early in the development cycle for a more transparent and collaborative approach to pentesting.

With that in mind, it’s better to start vulnerability searching as early as possible — Egnyte recognized that sometimes what you may find later on can cause you to rewrite areas that a company is not yet considering.

“We are heavy believers in the DevSecOps model, where security is involved early on as a part of the whole collaboration of building the product...I would say it's never too early to get security testing done on your product or platform.”