See our Fast Start promotion and start your first pentest on The Cobalt Offensive Security Testing Platform for only $4,950.
See our Fast Start promotion and start your first pentest on The Cobalt Offensive Security Testing Platform for only $4,950.


Thoughts, perspectives, and industry commentary from the Cobalt team.

Is Cybersecurity Stressful? InfoSec Professionals Confess Their Stress at RSA

Too much work in too little time, incomplete picture of vulnerabilities, and AI disrupting the industry — here's what InfoSec professionals shared at our Confess Your Stress wall at RSA.
May 10, 2023
Est Read Time: 4 min

The 6 Industries Most Affected by Security Breaches

Unprecedented advantages and difficulties came with the advent of the digital age. Every day, both private and public...
May 9, 2023
Est Read Time: 6 min

Cobalt Core Academy: Thick Client Pentesting with Harsh Bothra

Learn about thick client pentests in this Cobalt Core Academy with expert insights from Cobalt Lead, Harsh Bothra.
May 5, 2023
Est Read Time: 3 min

How To Create and Scale a Penetration Testing Policy

Penetration testing involves simulating the behavior of a threat actor to assess the resilience of an organization’s...
May 4, 2023
Est Read Time: 4 min

Mass Assignment & APIs - Exploitation in the Wild

APIs have become an integral part of many applications, with REST APIs being a popular choice for implementation. However, this popularity has led to security risks, with OWASP API Top 10 identifying vulnerabilities commonly found in APIs, including mass assignment. Harsh Bothra writes about this in his latest blog.
May 1, 2023
Est Read Time: 6 min

Pentesting Containers: Overview & Security Best Practices

Containers are packages that provide operating system (OS) Level Virtualization. They deliver software or an...
Apr 28, 2023
Est Read Time: 4 min

Pentester Spotlight: Rajanish Pathak

Rajanish Pathak is a Security Researcher from Goa, India, and a member of the Cobalt Core. His passion for cybersecurity was ignited by his curiosity about how systems work and how they can be breached. Read about Rajanish in his pentester spotlight.
Apr 27, 2023
Est Read Time: 3 min

Manual Versus Automated Penetration Testing

Penetration testing or pentesting is the process of finding vulnerabilities in a company's systems by simulating a...
Apr 26, 2023
Est Read Time: 9 min

Types of Penetration Testing Reports: Analyzing Pentest Data for Trends

In today's cybersecurity landscape, security is always evolving. This requires companies to understand the nuances of...
Apr 25, 2023
Est Read Time: 5 min

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