PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.

Enhancements to our Pentest as a Service platform empower agile development teams

Today, we're excited to share that we've listened to your feedback and have launched significant enhancements to our Pentest as a Service...

Over the past two years, we’ve had the pleasure of hosting a Customer Advisory Board, where we bring together some of our top customers from around the world to gain advanced insight into our platform as well as input on future development. It’s one of my favorite events of the year because it allows us to use real problems that you’re facing to inform which solutions we choose to tackle and how we choose to tackle them.

As Chief Product Architect at Cobalt, hearing how our platform can make your lives easier is what encourages us to work hard every day. Today, we’re excited to share that we’ve listened to your feedback and have launched significant enhancements to our Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) platform, delivering the first of its kind find-to-fix workflow to remediate security vulnerabilities.

Below is a snapshot of what’s new and how it’s giving modern agile development teams like yours the ability to do fast and frequent pentests and enhancing development and security operations.

Cobalt Credits — the first delivery model that standardizes cost with unit of work for flexible, cost-effective pentest consumption. Read more how this flexibility benefits companies pentesting with Cobalt.

  • Instead of being tied to a traditional all-in-scope assessment, estimate the amount of pentesting you anticipate across a contractual year and assign Credits as needed for specific use cases.

  • With Credits, security teams can start a pentest in 24 hours, saving agile teams time by eliminating scheduling and onboarding back and forth with a vendor with each new feature release.


Pentest Wizard — a self-starter guide that helps you select your assets, set your pentest objectives, specify details, and finalize the testing timeline.

  • Complete critical steps autonomously to create a thorough pentest brief in a simple and efficient manner.


Vulnerability taxonomy — more granular categorization of vulnerability findings, with 25 high-level categories and 135 sub-categories.

  • Pentesters spend more time finding vulnerabilities and less time writing about them, while customers receive more detailed reports that make it easier to assign and remediate risk.


JIRA bi-directional integration (available June 2020) — the ability for security and development teams to communicate back-and-forth online and in-platform through JIRA.

  • Instead of manually uploading findings into JIRA, this two-way communication creates operational efficiencies and expedites the remediation process.


Thank you to our customers who invest your time to help us continuously improve for the next generation of tech-driven companies!

Interested in learning more about Cobalt’s Pentest as a Service Platform? Schedule a call with our team today!

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About Jakob Storm
Jakob Storm is Co-founder and Chief Product Architect at Cobalt. In his current role, Jakob helps guide the development of the Cobalt platform, working closely with product teams and business stakeholders to drive Cobalt’s architectural roadmap and ensure strong business/technology alignment. More By Jakob Storm
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