PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.

Changelog — August 2020

Highlights from what the CX team has been working on over the last month(assets, duplicating pentests, etc.)

Here on Cobalt’s Customer Experience (CX) team, we strive to build a product that makes running a pentest seamless and intuitive, as it helps ensure the utmost satisfaction of our customers.

While our large features are captured, we wanted to shine a light on some of our smaller monthly deployments — which is why we are introducing this blog! Here you will be able to stay up-to-date with what’s new on the Cobalt platform.

Highlights from what we’ve been working on over the last month:

Asset Improvements — We have added some text changes including a more detailed description for what an asset entails. Having a more detailed description will help prevent creating more assets than what your organization needs. This will help ensure organization and efficiency. If you still have questions about what an asset is or should be, your CSM will be happy to clarify.

Duplicating Pentests — Org members and org owners can now duplicate a pentest with a click of a button. This allows you to copy over the work of an existing pentest to a new pentest you plan to schedule, without the manual work. Note: Pentests are not able to be duplicated if in “new” state.

Pentest Start Date — To more accurately reflect the 24–48 hour turnaround time communicated during the sales cycle, we’ve changed the earliest start date for a pentest from 3 business days to 2 business days. You can set this date in the pentest wizard on the Timeline step.

Pending Transactions — The Cobalt app now allows the visibility of inactive, upcoming contracts. It’s beneficial for customers who have multi-year pentest programs in place because they can now see the entire contract reflected in the platform, instead of signing up for 3 years and only seeing the current year. This allows for transparency and confidence when a customer wants to schedule a future pentest, have no credits on their current contract, but do have them on a contract in the following year(s). You can find this information on your organization’s Credits page, under the Settings tab.

changelog 1 Sample organization with multi-year contracts

Reporting Improvements — Based on customer feedback, we’ve made some changes to the report. On the remediation table, we have replaced the “Retested” column with “Resolved” and have two new columns: “Type” and “Criticality”. Along with the column updates, the report also includes some new style changes that give it a more polished and professional look.

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About Nycole Castro
With more than two years spent building up Cobalt’s PtaaS platform, Nycole has extensive knowledge across our technology. She highlights her team’s work with the monthly Changelog series, covering the changes the team has pushed to improve UI/UX, add new features and bring more value to customers. More By Nycole Castro