PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.
PTaaS Checklist
Don't just "check the box". Learn 7 factors that will ensure your next pentest is a strategic advantage for your business.

About Cobalt

Cobalt infuses manual security testing with speed, simplicity, and transparency. 

Our approach

Cobalt was founded on the belief that pentesting can be better. We pioneered the Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) space – you could even say we wrote the book on it – by pairing a SaaS platform with an exclusive community of highly vetted pentesters to disrupt the old school way of testing. 

Today, over 1,300 customers rely on  Cobalt for an offensive security approach to improve their security program. Whether that means a  comprehensive pentest for compliance or a  Digital Risk Assessment to identify publicly available information on their organization or Secure Code Review to ensure the security of their software development process, leading companies turn to Cobalt for proven security expertise. 

We’re an award-winning (and fully remote) workplace with Scandinavian roots, an American base, and a global outlook. Together, we’re committed to helping development, security, and operations teams create a secure environment and to empower organizations to operate fearlessly and innovate securely.

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Comprehensive offensive security

As the modern enterprise attack surface grows more expansive and dynamic, organizations need better ways to understand all of their assets and the risks associated with them.

Go-to risk mitigation tactics continue to include outdated or legacy methods to combat risk. Companies are also up against tightening budgets—forcing them to do more with less. Because of this paradigm, businesses struggle to act quickly to remediate exposure, handle the volume of alerts, respond appropriately, and keep their security processes ahead of competitive market demands. Best-in-class organizations are now pivoting away from traditional methods to combat risk and are embracing a revolutionary approach by combining disruptive technology and human intelligence.

This is the Cobalt way, where combining offensive security solutions with an exclusive community of trusted security experts delivers the real-time insights businesses need to remediate risk quickly and innovate securely. 

Meet our leaders

At Cobalt, we are building a collaborative approach that unites people and makes sure everyone gets an invite to the party: development, security, operations. Our leadership team believes that, with everyone working together, we can revolutionize security testing – and create a more secure world.

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